Southwest Hydraulic & Pneumatic Services

A division of Questden Pty Ltd

ABN: 95 071 209 759

Address: Unit 3, 17 Heald Rd, Ingleburn NSW 2565

Phone: 02 9605 4199

Fax: 02 9605 4261


South West Hydraulics is committed to respecting human rights and believes that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. We care for the wellbeing of all and We act with integrity.

South West Hydraulics seeks to create positive social impacts by mitigating human rights related risks and promoting respect for human rights across our operations and activities.

As a part of our commitment to respecting human rights, South West Hydraulics will:

  • Treat our employees fairly, without harassment or discrimination, and promote diversity in the workplace
  • Recognise the rights of our employees to allow freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Take actions to facilitate the prevention of work-related risks and health hazards
  • Through appropriate due diligence, seek to avoid knowingly engaging in business activities where it could be complicit in human rights abuses, including Modern Slavery Act 2018 requirements
  • If South West Hydraulics discovers that it is (or may be) associated with human rights violations, appropriate action will be taken in a timely manner
  • Respect the human rights of the communities in which we operate
  • Proactively engage with stakeholders on human rights issues and provide an easily accessible complaints mechanism to resolve grievances in a timely manner
  • Recognise the rights of Indigenous peoples, acknowledging their connections to lands and waters and respecting their culture
  • Communicate this policy and our commitment to human rights to all stakeholders, including employees, contractors and suppliers, and those working within our supply chains
  • Reject any form of slavery, forced or child labour, and work to ensure that such practices are not present in our business or our supply chain;
  • Work to align our business activities and practices with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Suspected or actual breaches of this policy should be reported to your supervisor.

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant to the needs of South West Hydraulics and its stakeholders